18 June 2012

more zipper pouch

It's time to prepare the maternity hospital pack.
Getting exciting and anxious.
Anyway when I pack our Little K's clothes, mitten, socks
they are too small, easily mix with mine.
So I quickly made couple of medium size (30 x 35cm) zipper pouch for Little K's things.







One for clothes, the others for nappy and wipe! 

zipper pouches


after I made small elephant print zipper pouch I couldn't stop making more.


I've got this cute owl print fabric from my lovely friend as birthday present. 
I couldn't wait to use it!


I had this for a while and finally used it.






12 June 2012

Baby mitten and booties

Friend said baby will keep sucking the mitten so we have to change very often. At that time I didn't prepare any mitten at all. Oh, probably my mom bought 2 sets it's because she bought new born baby clothes set.

I found the pattern of mitten and booties HERE.
And made 8 set of mittens and 3 set of booties!!

I hope they are not too small for baby!

05 June 2012

baby swaddle wrap

I didn't know what is swaddle until I read one of blog. The blogger has baby and she said swaddle make her life easier! Sounds so important to have it!!
When I shop around for baby I found one and because ONLY ONE left in the shop I feel pressure to buy it. well I bought it. ^^;
Then I thought one is not enough and I decided to copy the one I bought. Since I have fabrics I don't know what to make. well it wasn't easy to trace the shape so I google how to make baby swaddle.

I found this blog and made one. I used same fabric as curtain for outside and sky blue fleece for inner.

Sewing is fun!

Can't wait to use it!!!

Bassinet cover

Actually this is more like mattress cover ^^. My hubby Kim doesn't want me to deco too much on the side of bassinet. He worry about SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) so all I could do was making mattress cover. It's only 900 x 400mm so small!
I don't want to waste fleece fabric so I use fleece only one side and used white cotton on the other side.

Made with Blue, Green, Pink fabric. These covers will be enough for 2~3 month.